Patrick: Commission may not immediately create three casinos [& comment on municipal utilities]
By Glen Johnson | GLOBE STAFF NOVEMBER 22, 2011
Little more than an hour before he signed legislation that could bring up to three casinos to Massachusetts, Governor Deval Patrick said this morning that there may not necessarily be that many [...] during his monthly appearances on WTKK-FM.
On another subject, Patrick said he would support a bill proposing to make it easier for local communities to establish their own municipal utility companies as an alternative to the major suppliers who currently dominate the state.
NStar and other major suppliers were accused of a lackluster response to downed power lines caused by a rare October snowstorm.
Such a bill has repeatedly been killed in committee during the past decade.
“I love the idea of local and community-based utilities, and if that requires an update in the legislation, I cannot imagine not supporting it,” he said.
Glen Johnson can be reached at johnson@globe.com. Follow him on Twitter @globeglen.