Letter: Cable TV will air environmental show
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Lexington Cable TV will be showing at least one of NewTV's (Newton cable TV's) monthly Environmental Shows, produced by Francoise LaMonica. Ms. LaMonica is a member of Media Committee part of the Green Decade Coalition (www.greendecade.org).
Host Beverly Droz will interview two guests.
Walter McGrath was the general manager of the Braintree Electric Light Department, a muni, from 1985-2002. He has over 38 years experience in the electric power industry. He is a former president of APPA, the American Public Power Association, which represents the nation's 2000-plus nonprofit, publicly owned utilities.
Patrick Mehr is on the Lexington Electric Utility Committee. A Lexington resident, he is a management consultant. He formerly worked in France as a civil servant on energy conservation policies.
Munis, or municipal owned electric distribution utilities, have been investing more rapidly in sources of renewable electricity generation than investor-owned utilities have been. The munis' record in maintaining and upgrading their infrastructure is also far better than investor-owned utilities. Also, munis allow for individual participation in clean energy programs.
A bill has been introduced in the Massachusetts House (by Rep. Jay Kaufman and co-sponsored by 40 legislators) to make it possible for new munis to be created. This legislation would modify the existing century-old law which explicitly establishes this right, but which has vague provisions.
The Environmental Show can be seen on Lexington Cable TV, LCTV. For detailed information, go to www.lctv.tv. You can also go to channel 8 (Comcast), or channel 3 (RCN), and look for the schedule.
Thank you to Newton's Green Coalition for sharing its work with us.
Ingrid H. Klimoff
Reed Street